Monthly Archives: August 2008

Marathon by 40

Marathon by 40

I know I haven’t been posting much here. But, I have been fairly active recently elsewhere on the net.

I’ve mentioned 404UXD already, so look there for UXD-related posts. But just a few days ago I started Marathon by 40 ( I’m starting this new blog a month before I turn 38 years old. I have a personal goal to run a marathon by the time I’m 40. Considering I couldn’t run a mile without walking about a year ago, this is going to be a considerable challenge.

I’ll be blogging there to keep track of my progress and to allow my friends an easy way to keep me accountable and encourage me to stay on track.

Are you on a running program right now yourself? Stop by and let’s encourage one another!

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Posted by on August 23, 2008 in fribble