Monthly Archives: December 2005

People really do win on

I don’t remember which productivity or business blog I was reading when I first learned about In Bubble Wrap, but I have been visiting for the past couple of weeks.

IBW is like Woot in that they offer a single product each day in a very limited quantity. The differences are 1) all the products are business-related, 2) the “winners” are chosen at random, and 3) all the products are free. Yes, FREE! It’s a unique way for the folks at 800-CEO-READ to promote their site and products.

Most of the daily offerings have looked intriguing, and I quickly developed the habit of checking the site and entering in the daily draw.

I entered the contest on 11/30, hoping to win a copy of Jackie Huba and Ben McConnell’s “Creating Customer Evangelists.â€? Well, I must have been overachieving that day, because I won the one-of-a-kind grand prize instead, a free visit from the authors themselves. Very cool. While the details haven’t yet been confirmed, Ben and Jackie are going to spend a day with all of us at Navigator sometime in Q1 or Q2 conversing about their experiences, our business, and the principles in their book. What a deal!


  • check out and see if you can’t win something cool as well
  • if you don’t win but are still interested, buy it anyway from 800-CEO-READ
  • and, although it’s too late to win a copy of “Creating Customer Evangelistsâ€?, you can still learn more about the book, Jackie and Ben at their site.

Happy popping!

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Posted by on December 10, 2005 in business


Fresca, the thinking man’s drink

My friend Jon got me hooked on Fresca a few years ago while we worked together on a large product. I didn’t know that it was still being produced as I only remembered it as my grandmother’s soda. Jon corrected me. “It’s a thinking man’s drink.” I tried it, and have enjoyed it ever since.

Well, Fresca now has a new “Sparkling Black Cherry Citrus’ flavor … and its great. I’ve started bringing a 12 pack with me to work.

Give it a try, Jon!

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Posted by on December 7, 2005 in fribble