My Old School

25 Oct

I was thrilled back in August when Eleanor Jordan, my former professor now Professor Emeritus at UT Austin asked me to come speak to her class about high fidelity prototyping. “MIS 374 – Business Systems Development” is the capstone class for MIS undergrads. The students learn project methodology concepts and test everything they’ve learned in the 4-year program on teams to complete real-world projects for Austin-area clients.

Last Monday (10/22/2007) I drove down to Austin for the day to share a slightly modified version of the high fidelity prototyping talk I gave just over a year ago at Refresh Dallas. The class was great. They were very receptive and had great questions during and after the presentation. Unfortunately, our time was cut about 15 minutes short by a “non-specific” bomb-threat, but we got through most of the presentation and several students stayed after to chat while UTPD scanned the building.

I enjoyed the experience and will be happy to go down any time they’ll have me again.

The presentation and pre-class notes are available on the Downloads page.


Posted by on October 25, 2007 in prototyping


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