I thoroughly enjoyed the first Refresh Dallas meeting this evening. Stephen P. Anderson and Garrett Dimon (both from Bright Corner) did a great job presenting “an introduction to Information Architecture” and “methods for communicating and documenting site design” (respectively). If they aren’t up already, the decks will be available soon at Stephen’s site, and likely in the forums at RefreshDallas.com.
The turnout was amazing. I think there were over 70 people in the room. I had no idea there were that many people in Dallas interested in UI development topics. I read about these memes on the web and in books all the time. But hearing people talk about them while being surrounded by people that were all as interested as me was very invigorating. Many of my friends at Navigator participate and lead various user groups. I felt a little jealous that I didn’t have the opportunity to find my own group of like-minded folk. Now I do. Thank you Refresh Dallas organizers.
If you’re into UI and in Dallas, come join us at the next meeting.